A new and improved Social Raid Experience is coming to Meet Your Maker.
We’ve got a lot to cover with this update. Here’s what’s coming if you want to skip ahead to a specific section.
Better Discoverability
Social 2.0
- Outpost “Likes”
- Curated Outposts
- Accolade Spotlight
- Social Tags
- Custom Search Filters
Mid-Sector Arsenal Update
- New Guard: Burster
- New Trap: Death Blossom
- New Enhancement: Hazard Resistant
Since the launch of Meet Your Maker, we’ve been blown away by the creativity of our master Builders in populating the wasteland. Your Outposts have been nothing short of amazing.
We quickly realized we had to inject the game with improved discoverability features to highlight your builds and incentivize the creation of even wilder Outposts.
The Pantheon of Builders was our first step in that direction, celebrating the very best Outposts submitted by the community. Since it was first introduced, the PoB garnered hundreds of amazing submissions and countless raid attempts. We would like to take a moment to thank all the Builders who submitted and congratulate all those who got selected. Your creativity and passion for the game are truly extraordinary.
For those who have yet to experience these legendary Outposts, we have something in store that will make it more rewarding and much simpler…
In this update, we’re introducing a fully reworked Social Raid System. To start, Social Raids will now reward experience points to Raiders. We’re also making several improvements aimed at bolstering the discoverability of Outposts with a new layout and new classification tools.
Social Hub The first thing you will notice when navigating to Social Raid is the new “Social Hub.” With an overhauled visual interface, you’ll now be able to see Outpost thumbnails and key information about the Outpost before jumping in.
Outpost Likes Custodians who complete a Social Raid will now have the option to “like” the raided Outpost if they’ve enjoyed their experience. The total likes received by an Outpost will be displayed on the Outpost’s thumbnail, serving as a powerful indicator of its quality. Players can also use the number of likes as a search filter when doing custom searches (more on that later).
Curated Outposts For your raiding enjoyment, the new Social Raid System showcases a wide array of well-performing Outposts in curated lists. Outposts will be sorted by different criteria, including the most-liked Outposts of the past week and month.
Accolades Spotlight While we love the creativity encouraged with Social Raids, we also want to celebrate the devious Outposts created to dominate ranked play. The new Social Raid front page will also feature a weekly “Accolade Section” that showcases the 20 most acclaimed Outposts of the previous week broken down by Accolade (Artistic, Fun, Brutal, Ingenious).
Social Tags If you’ve been watching our developer streams, then you know that our team loves fighting to the death in Arena-style Outposts or speed running through Outposts designed for 1v1 racing. With Social 2.0, we want to empower Builders to create what they want—including Outposts that don’t fit the constraints of ranked play. At the same time, we want to provide Raiders with better means to find them. To do this, we’re adding a social tag system to the Builder’s toolbox. Players will be able to select up to 3 tags from the following list when uploading their Outposts:
. Arena
. Art
. Balanced
. Beginner
. Funny
. Maze
. Narrative
. Open
. Parkour
. Smart
. Speedrun
. Deadly
. Duo
. Expert
Social tags will only be visible in the Social Raid menu.
- Custom Search Filters We're giving you new tools and filters to customize your searches. You’ll be able to filter by number of likes, style of gameplay, Accolades, and more. This major improvement will make it easier to find and raid Outposts that fit your current raiding appetite.
Quick design note: After testing different approaches to the “search systems”, we decided to make our algorithm prioritize Outposts that have been modified recently. The goal of this decision is to ensure that Builders won’t find their new Outposts buried under Legacy Outposts, and that the Social Raid menu remains stocked with fresh content.
What better way to start 2024 than with brand new additions to your arsenal? The Decayed Hope Mid-Sector update introduces a new Guard and a New trap that are sure to be a BLAST.
NEW GUARD – BURSTER Based on bacteriological research of an acidic lake located on top of an active volcano, the Burster was created to provide area denial capabilities to the Fort Hope garrison. By replacing the subject’s blood with acid, the Scientists made its flesh resistant to corrosion. They did not, however, succeed in dulling the excruciating pain caused by the procedure. Maddened by pain, the Burster shambles around its patrol path, bursting with acid at the first sight of intruding Custodians.
NEW TRAP: DEATH BLOSSOM Initially created as an automated healing drone delivery system, the Death Blossom was quickly modified to create and release powerful Blast mines. This updated version allowed for gruesome victories before enemies understood its new nature. It was then further upgraded with a powerful self-destruction function to extend the trap’s deadliness.
NEW ENHANCEMENT: HAZARD RESISTANT A new enhancement which improves a Custodian Suit’s resistance to acid and fire damage.
The Decayed Hope Mid-Sector Arsenal update will be available for free on all platforms.
Social 2.0 and the Arsenal update introduce exciting creative opportunities to Meet Your Maker. The entire team is looking forward to seeing (and playing) your newest creations.
We’ll see you in the wasteland, Custodians.