Greetings Custodians,
Since the launch of Meet Your Maker, it’s been a thrill watching Builders and Raiders challenge each other in amazing ways across the wasteland. With all the creativity and skill on display we thought this would be the perfect time to not only reveal the ranked rewards you’ll soon be earning, but also update players on some key improvements we’ve just made to our ranking system.
Ranked Rewards
Whether you’re building masterpieces or tearing through them, there’s nothing like being rewarded for your efforts.
Ranked rewards in Meet Your Maker are granted on four levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Master. You enter the ranking system once you hit Player Level 5, and from there, the sky’s the limit. Finishing the season with a rank of Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Master will earn you the corresponding decal as well as the decals from lower tiers. These shiny, intricately designed cosmetics can be placed above an Outpost’s entrance or anywhere else within its walls as a not-so-subtle reminder to Raiders of who they’re up against.
Ranked Rewards also include two Raider cosmetics. Those earning a rank of Silver or higher will receive the Cataclysm skin for the Fury’s Edge sword, while those earning a rank of Gold or higher will also receive the Warlord skin for the Ironside Custodian.
All rewards boast a Red Sands theme and will be instantly granted once Sector 1: Dreadshore releases in late June and the next season begins. Until then, build like an evil genius, raid like there’s no tomorrow, and lock up those bragging rights while you can!
Ranking System Updates
Community feedback continues to be a major driver for us in building the Meet Your Maker experience. With our first month in the books, we’re happy to share some of the improvements we’ve made to our ranking system which are now live in the game.
Additionally, 1.2.0 comes with a huge list of fixes to issues like second-wave corrosive cubes, bugged biolink slots, killing HRV at the loading dock, and more. Check out our full patch notes for a complete list of updates, key issue fixes, and balance improvements right here.
Removal of ‘Negative’ Points
We’ve heard from players that certain aspects of the ranking system conflicted with our intentions for the game as a whole. We want to enable players to have agency over what content they play and be rewarded for their persistence when challenging themselves with difficult Outposts, no matter the outcome. As a result, we’ve stripped out all instances where players could receive negative points in Meet Your Maker based on their actions or performance.
Our goal with these changes is to create a better sense of forward momentum where players are encouraged to take on challenges that are a step up in difficulty – and are rewarded for doing so.
Key Takeaways:
- Raiders will no longer lose points for abandoning an Outpost.
- Raiders will no longer lose points for dying multiple times while attempting to beat an Outpost.
- Builders can no longer lose points if a player raids their Outpost without dying.
As a Raider, completing a difficult Outpost in the fewest attempts possible will still be the best way to earn points, but now failing to do so will never result in a step back. We’ll continue to monitor and improve this system over time, but we hope the experience will now be more rewarding for all players.
Keys to Ranking Up
In the spirit of forward momentum, and with our new updates in place, here’s a clear outline of how our ranking system now works. Focus on these elements to find success, earn points, and rank up in Meet Your Maker.
- Raiders are awarded points for successful raids, and Builders are awarded points for killing Raiders with their Outposts.
- Higher difficulty raids reward more points.
- When raiding, your earned point-total is reduced based on your number of deaths. This is now significantly more forgiving than before for the early ranks. Bronze and Silver players should simply focus on completing as many raids as possible. When trying to progress from Gold to Master, fewer deaths and brutal raids become more critical.
- Point totals are modified by your rank relative to the opposing Builder or Raider. For example, a Bronze Raider completing a Master’s Outpost stands to gain more points than if they were to complete the Outpost of another Bronze player.
Creating the best possible Meet Your Maker experience for players is always our focus. If you’re looking for more info on these, or any of the other many gameplay updates that are out now, don’t forget to check out our full patch notes.
We’ll also have more ranking system details to share with you ahead of Sector 1: Dreadshore’s arrival in June, so stay tuned – and thanks for the support!
The Meet Your Maker Team