Hey Custodians,
In preparation for Sector 1: Dreadshore’s impending release on June 27th, we’ve just released a major patch update which features many balancing changes, quality of life updates, bug fixes and more. For a detailed breakdown, please see the patch notes below:
We have added a new splash screen, loading screen and Easy Anti-Cheat artwork to celebrate Sector 1: Dreadshore’s upcoming release.
- Outposts may now be activated an infinite amount of times after reaching Prestige 10, for a Synthite Cost!
. Activating an Outpost beyond Prestige 10 will still reward players with resources, kills and Accolades.
. Outposts activated beyond Prestige 10 are no longer eligible to be Champion Outposts. - Tutorial #2 “Raid an Outpost” has been improved to better teach the grappling hook and Forsaken Tomb mechanics.
- Newly released content will now be flagged with “!” notifications so players can easily identify content that has been released since they have last played.
- Loading screens now contain useful gameplay tips.
- The consequences of dying as it pertains to loot is now better explained on the death screen.
- The results of Prestiging while there is still GenMat to harvest has been clarified in the user-interface.
- "Aim response curve" visual support and text have been updated to better explain the effect of the various setting options.
- The contrast of cosmetic rarity type colors has been updated to be less subtle, and no longer blend with the UI.
Synthite & Parts Balancing:
We have added guaranteed Synthite and Parts rewards to Raiding to create a more dependable source of these currencies, while altering the effectiveness of other sources. Overall, this is a slight buff.
Regular Raids will grant Synthite or Parts depending on Outpost difficulty:
- Normal: 45 Synthite or Parts
- Dangerous: 60 Synthite or Parts
- Brutal: 75 Synthite or Parts
- Champion Outposts: 100 Synthite or Parts for ALL difficulties.
Diminishing returns on the quantity of loot contained within drops from Skulls have been removed.
The Forsaken Tomb loot drops have been reduced from 8 to 5.
The Parts and Synthite rewards have been removed from the Daily Tribute Reward.
The Spoils of War (Parts Boost) effects and cost have been reduced:
Level 1:
- Effect: 10% to 5%
- Cost: 50 Cells & 100 Synthite to 50 Cells & 50 Synthite
Level 2:
- Effect: 20% to 10%
- Cost: 75 Cells & 300 Synthite to 75 Cells & 150 Synthite
Level 3:
- Effect: 30% to 15%
- Cost: 100 Cells & 500 Synthite to 100 Cells & 250 Synthite
The Strip Mine (Synthite Boost) effects and cost have been reduced:
Level 1:
- Effect: 10% to 5%
- Cost: 50 Cells & 100 Parts to 50 Cells & 50 Parts
Level 2:
- Effect: 20% to 10%
- Cost: 75 Cells & 300 Parts to 75 Cells & 150 Parts
Level 3:
- Effect: 30% to 15%
- Cost: 100 Cells & 500 Parts to 100 Cells & 250 Parts
Trap Balancing:
The Corrosive Cube’s capacity cost has been increased from 15 to 20.
The Plasma Sentinel’s capacity cost has been increased from 50 to 70, and its Mods have also seen an increase in cost.
- Eagle Eye Mod: Capacity cost increased from 15 to 20
- Plasma Cloud Mod: Capacity cost increased from 15 to 20
- Self-Destruct Mod: Capacity cost increased from 15 to 20
*Be advised that these Capacity Cost increases may push some Outposts to overcapacity, resulting in some Builders needing to remove defences to be able to reactivate their Outpost.
Weapon Balancing:
The Arc Barrier's Perfect Block window has been reduced by 0.5 seconds on each level. The new Perfect Block windows are as follows:
- Level 1: 0.25s
- Level 2: 0.35s
- Level 3: 0.5s
Hardware Balancing:
The Phoenix Pod can now be used twice per Raid.
The Phoenix Pod is now automatically unlocked for all players, and players will start with 25 in their inventory.
Players will now also start with 25 Grenades in their inventory.
- We have fixed an issue which prevented Raider deaths from being registered upon force quitting the game. Skulls will now register on every death instead of at the end of a Raid.
. Builders will now be rewarded with kills and loot even if the Raider quits by force closing the game on console, or by pressing Alt+F4 on PC. - Fixed an issue where Buttons are not disabled in the blurred background of the Building Inventory.
- Fixed an issue where Outpost Capacity does not update in Co-op building.
- Fixed an issue where there would occasionally be no gap be no gap between an Incinerator’s Trap Range Preview and an object that is obstructing it.
- We have fixed an issue which prevented Co-Op party guests from receiving Ranking Points after completing a Co-Op Raid.
- Fixed an issue where Co-Op party guest does not gain experience upon completion of a Co-Op Raid.
- Fixed an issue where Death Pistons could trigger through invisible Holocubes.
- Fixed an issue that caused Co-Op partners to glow when revives are interrupted.
- Fixed an issue where low amounts of loot could be generated from destroying Traps or killing Guards in the Tutorial.
- Fixed an issue causing the Harvester to not follow the path when placing Second Wave Holocubes above corner blocks.
- Fixed an issue causing Raiders to die when standing on a wedge with a modded Death Piston below or behind the wedge.
- Fixed an issue where Death Pistons can kill a Raider through a Flash Barrier.
- Fixed an issue causing Hornets to stop patrolling after touching a ceiling.
- Fixed an issue where, if timed correctly, lunge attacks still destroy Traps even if the Raider is not range.
- Fixed an issue causing Raiders to revive inside a block after placing a Phoenix Pod to close to a wedge or Corrosive Cube.
- Fixed an issue where Guards continue to target a dead raider's body.
- Fixed an issue which could occasionally cause a Raider’s weapon to swap after firing the Grappling Hook.
- Fixed an issue where Traps placed on Wedge blocks cannot be destroyed when attacking from the side with melee weapons during Raids.
- We have fixed an issue where the Command Center and Replay Station notifications take more than 1 minute to appear when returning to the Sanctuary.
- Fixed an issue where message popups are always displayed when entering the Sanctuary when players did not receive the rewards.
- We have fixed multiple game title crashes.
- Fixed an issue causing a long delay before getting an error message, when attempting to purchase an item in the Advisor Shops without enough currency.
- We have fixed an issue where the Masquerade Mod icon does not match the Trap Classification.
- Fixed an issue causing the UI to display a large loss of ranking points after completing a raid.
- Fixed an issue where no resources are shown on the "Resources Discovered" at the end of a Raid.
- We have fixed an issue where the same weapon can be equipped in both weapon slots by using Customization options.
- Fixed an issue which caused the Biolink menu to be difficult to read under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the Customization skins' preview is squished.
- Fixed an issue where Trap Mod icons could be visible on Trap frames when no Mods are applied.
- We have fixed an issue causing the "GenMat Defender" achievement to be unlocked under the wrong conditions.
- Fixed an issue preventing the "On Guard" achievement to be unlocked by some players.
- The Hellscape block surfaces have received an update to improve their audio quality.
- Animated props have received an update to improve their visual performance.
- Fixed visual issues when viewing certain blocks from a distance.
..and that’s not all, as June 27th will see the release of Sector 1: Dreadshore in all its glory, with new content such as a brand-new Outpost Environment, Custodian, Trap, Guard and Weapon, new Deco Packs, a new Cosmetic Collection, as well as Ranking changes!
New content releasing on June 27th:
New Environment: Dreadshore A rainy, seaside Outpost Environment with battered shipwrecks and an ominous lighthouse beacon that shines bright, cutting through the fog and gloom.
New Trap: Sentry Beam The Sentry Beam tracks its target before firing a laser beam that can ricochet off surfaces.
New Guard: Ravager The Ravager is an aggressive sub-clone who fires bolts that spread out.
New Weapon: Demolition Cannon A Cannon that fires reusable explosive shells that can deal massive damage to Traps, Flesh, and Armor.
New Suit: Nautilus Nautilus is a Suit that enhances the effects of defensive weaponry.
New Deco Pack: Tempest Cove Salt-worn designs from the cost, featuring 2 Building Blocks, 2 Props, 1 Animated Prop and 8 Decals.
New Cosmetic Collection
New Deco Pack: Light’s End
The stylings of a traditional lighthouse, featuring 2 Building Blocks, 2 Props, 1 Animated Prop and 8 Decals.
New Cosmetics:
Maelstrom: An Epic cosmetic for the Nautilus Suit.
Dreadnought: An Epic cosmetic for the Demolition Cannon.
The new Sector 1 Ranking Season will begin, and Sector 0 Ranking Rewards will be available for players who participated in Season 0. The following cosmetics and decals will be rewarded based on Rank Tier:
- Gold or higher: Warlord Ironside cosmetic
- Silver or higher: Cataclysm Fury's Edge cosmetic
- Master: Season 0 decal
- Gold: Season 0 decal
- Silver: Season 0 decal
- Bronze: Season 0 decal
Balancing Changes releasing on June 27th:
Ranking Balancing:
- The Ranking System has been reworked to improve the flow of progression, requiring less Ranking Points per Rank.
. Rank to Rank requirements will also now increase at a more gradual pace. - Players will now receive the same base Ranking Points for actions regardless of your opponent’s Rank.
- You will continue to lose more Ranking Points for actions based on your own Rank.
The Meet Your Maker Team