Greetings Custodians, and welcome back to the wasteland!
There have been some big changes since your last visit, so we wanted to take a few minutes to catch you up on what we’ve been working on over the last few months since the Closed Playtest. We had a lot of great and actionable feedback to work from during the Closed Playtest, which helped pave the way for a lot of new things in time for Open Beta, and even more improvements slated for our full release on April 4th.
Social Raiding
One of the most highly requested features during the Closed Playtest, social raiding allows Builders to set their Outpost to the Social Active State. This allows friends and fellow community members to search for and challenge your Outpost directly – via the Command Center, head to the World Map and hit R to search for specific Social Outposts. While an Outpost grants no rewards when it’s in the Social Active State, this custom game mode affords some extra flexibility – neither minimum defenses nor a valid Harvester path are required. Additionally, Social Outposts never run out of GenMat; setting an Outpost to Social once it has completed its natural life cycle is a great way to preserve it forever.
Champion Outposts
Some Outposts just stand out from the crowd, and the Champion Outposts feature puts them front and center. Outposts that perform very well have a chance to be featured. Raid these high-quality Outposts to earn bonus rewards such as GenMat and other materials!
Starting from Open Beta, players now earn Ranking Points by raiding and publishing Outposts. Work your way from Bronze Rank all the way through Gold to test your mettle. The best of the best will become Masters, where expert Builders and Raiders can compete to attain the highest Master Rank in the wasteland.
Trap Range Preview
This new feature allows Builders to toggle on a preview of the range of the traps placed. Being able to clearly visualize the range of effect helps Builders to position traps perfectly in conjunction with each other to put the pressure on unsuspecting Raiders.
Plot of Land Store
Players from the Closed Playtest may remember the humble beginnings of Burial Site shopping, with limited selection and information. The Plot of Land Store has gotten a big overhaul, and now offers a much larger pool of Burial Sites upon which to build Outposts. More detailed information such as GenMat type, Building Capacity, size, and even the name are listed to allow Builders to make more strategic decisions when breaking new ground.
Drag & Drop Building
The new drag & drop tool greatly speeds up the Building process by allowing Builders to very quickly place a lot of blocks. Select your starting point, drag your cursor, and watch your Outpost take shape!
Block Removal Tools
A common frustration from our Closed Playtest was the inability to simply remove all existing blocks from a new burial site. Working with existing ruins can be fun and creative, but also allowing Builders to start fresh when building on a new burial site awards more options. Additionally, this tool can be used to remove all blocks of a specific type, to make it easier than ever to adjust and rebuild to your liking.
Tutorial Upgrades
Closed Playtest players may recall some gradual changes during the playtest itself, but we’ve continued work on improving the tutorial experience to get new Custodians adept at Building and Raiding in no time. New players
UI Improvements
We’ve also done a big revisit to the user interface elements, making important information clear and approachable. While these changes are across the board, you’ll notice them the most in places like the Building menus, where it’s now much more straightforward to manage your Outpost.
...and more!
We’re really looking forward to kicking off the next phase of testing and showing Meet Your Maker to the world! Come see the game for yourself in our Open Beta, from February 6th to 13th, on Steam. In this last stretch of beta testing before launch, we really appreciate all your feedback. What do you love? What needs some love? What do you want to see down the road? You can find us at the social media platforms linked at the bottom of the page – we’d love for you to share your experiences in the open beta with us.
We’ll see you in the wasteland,
The Meet Your Maker Community Team