New Sectors, new features, and much more—here’s a look at some of the new content coming in the near future.
The world of Meet Your Maker is ever-changing, and there’s a lot to look forward to. The next few months will bring new Sectors, new features, new tools and so much more to keep things fresh and fuel our players’ creativity.
Check out our future roadmap below for a quick look at what's on the horizon, then stay tuned for full details.
Sector 2: Shattered Peak—September 26th
Initially we published Sector 2's release date as September 19th. It has since been changed to September 26th.
Sector 2: Shattered Peak introduces players to the fear and solitude of the Arctic wasteland. A bitter cold engulfs the region and snowstorms reduce visibility in what’s our most visually distinctive Sector to date.
A new Environment and a themed Deco Pack will be instantly available for all players. Shattered Peak also includes an Arsenal Pack with a new guard and Custodian that both feature innovative new mechanics that are sure to shake up both building and raiding strategies.
For players looking for more customization options, a new Cosmetic Collection will also be available, containing a Deco Pack, Custodian Skin, and Weapon Skin inspired by the bitter Arctic wastes.
And finally, the Sector 2 update also adds a new difficulty system that will allow both new and experienced players to better choose the kinds of Outposts they want to play.
Shattered Peak Mid-Sector Update and Expedition Mode
Initially we published the Mid-Sector Update's release date as October 24th, but have since removed the date. While we aren't ready to commit to a fixed date just yet, we are still aiming to release it in late October.
The Shattered Peak Mid-Sector Update will deliver unique new content and one of the biggest feature updates yet.
Expedition Mode, set to launch in late October, will offer a brand-new way to engage with the game's raiding experience, claim amazing rewards, and may even change how you approach your next Outpost. Stay tuned for a full breakdown in an upcoming livestream on September 21st.
Also included in the Mid-Sector update is a new Paint Kit, new Mods and Augments, along with spooky glow-in-the-dark decals just in time for Halloween.
Sector 3 and Beyond
Initially we published Sector 3's release date as December 12th, but have since removed the date. While we aren't ready to commit to a fixed date just yet, we are still aiming to release it sometime in December.
While we may have just announced Shattered Peak, we’ll be closing out 2023 with another new Sector, one that takes Meet Your Maker down an unexpected visual path. For now, we’ll be calling it by its codename, “Acid.”
We won’t spoil any surprises today, but Custodians can expect a new Environment, Deco Pack, trap, weapon, and even more destruction and carnage.
Throughout this time, we’ll also continue to fix any bugs, make gameplay improvements, and distribute Rank rewards for each Sector. We’ll also continue to highlight the best of Meet Your Maker with regular additions to our Pantheon of Builders. For more info on the Pantheon of Builders, check out our Guidelines Blogpost.
We could not be more excited to get all of this new content into the hands of our players. Stay tuned for more info.
The Meet Your Maker Team