Ready yourselves, Custodians. Powerful new additions await within your arsenal…
Meet Your Maker’s first-ever content update has arrived, and with it, new tools of creation and destruction for Builders and Raiders alike. Forged by the Advisors deep within the heart of your Sanctuary comes a new rapid-fire weapon, an explosive new guard, and a Deco Pack designed to bring the Dark Ages to your next Outpost.
New Ranged Weapon: PLASMABOW
Pack enough ammunition to even the odds. Efficient, deadly, and agile, this fast-firing ranged weapon may be ineffective against traps, but boasts a large ammo capacity ideal for neutralizing heavily guarded areas. Strategically shoot your way out of tight jams, dispatching enemies with a volley of arrows. When you’re the last one standing, reclaim your ammo from vanquished foes and press forward.
New Ranged Guard: THE CANNONBACK
Bombs away. Imposing and lethal, The Cannonback possesses the longest range and largest AOE of any guard. This cybernetic abomination lobs timed explosives at incoming Raiders, dealing a level of devastation few can match. Position them strategically to surprise enemies from a distance or place them in packs to pin trespassers down under a hail of bombs.
Get medieval. The Castle Siege Deco Pack brings the Dark Ages to your toolbox, featuring a unique set of brick and wood blocks, props, and decals for you to build with. From deep dark dungeons to impregnable fortresses, bring your medieval machinations to life as you challenge Raiders to storm the castle walls and survive your Outpost.
To all the Meet Your Maker Playtesters currently populating the Wasteland: these offerings are yours to enjoy today. To the rest: complete the quick signup below to join our Playtest and experience this new content for yourself!